
Dategram is a revolutionaly dating service for the Telegram ecosystem
Dategram is a revolutionaly dating service for the Telegram ecosystem
Dategram app
Dategram is a groundbreaking dating app within the Telegram ecosystem, offering a unique user experience that sets it apart from traditional swipe-based platforms.
Screenshot of a mobile app interface showing a golden crown with the text 'Put on the crown!' at the top. Below are two profile pictures of individuals side by side, followed by the message 'Congrats! You can chat with Glen now.' Two buttons at the bottom read 'Go to chat' and 'Maybe later' on a light golden background.
A mobile app screen showing a user profile with 98% compatibility displayed alongside shared interests such as art, mountains, sports, and cats. The profile includes a description reading 'Fashion designer from Dubai. Looking for young and fun man' with reaction options like crowns, hearts, flames, and smiles.
A mobile app screen showing the referral rewards page of a dating app, with options to claim rewards, invite friends, and track earnings from referrals. The screen includes a diamond icon indicating reward points and a list of invited friends with their contribution details.
Why Choose Our Dating App?
Unlike other apps, we don’t limit users to a binary "yes" or "no" decision through swipes. People are multifaceted, and so are their reactions.

That’s why Dategram allows users to express themselves with a wider range of emoji reactions, each conveying different meanings and emotions.
Represents inspiration and passion
Signals affection and admiration
Indicates friendship or a platonic connection
Shows a sense of humor
Allows users to "crown" others, showing deep admiration, especially towards women, symbolizing respect and empowerment
Join the community of ambitious and beautiful people Dategram
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